Source code for aeneas.downloader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl   (
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module contains the following classes:

* :class:`~aeneas.downloader.DownloadError`, which represents an error occurred
  while downloading a Web resource.
* :class:`~aeneas.downloader.Downloader`, which download files from various Web sources.

.. note:: This module requires Python module ``youtube-dl`` (``pip install youtube-dl``).

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import time

from aeneas.logger import Loggable
from aeneas.runtimeconfiguration import RuntimeConfiguration
import aeneas.globalfunctions as gf

[docs]class DownloadError(Exception): """ Error raised when a given URL is not valid or it cannot be downloaded because of temporary network issues. """ pass
[docs]class Downloader(Loggable): """ Download files from various Web sources. At the moment, only YouTube videos are officially supported. :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` """ TAG = u"Downloader"
[docs] def audio_from_youtube( self, source_url, download=True, output_file_path=None, download_format=None, largest_audio=True, ): """ Download an audio stream from a YouTube video, and save it to file. If ``download`` is ``False``, return the list of available audiostreams but do not download. Otherwise, download the audio stream best matching the provided parameters, as follows. If ``download_format`` is not ``None``, download the audio stream with the specified format. If ``largest_audio`` is ``True``, download the largest audiostream; otherwise, download the smallest audiostream. If ``preferred_format`` is not ``None``, download the audiostream having that format. The latter option works in combination with ``largest_audio``. Return the path of the downloaded file. :param string source_url: the URL of the YouTube video :param bool download: if ``True``, download the audio stream best matching ``preferred_index`` or ``preferred_format`` and ``largest_audio``; if ``False``, return the list of available audio streams :param string output_file_path: the path where the downloaded audio should be saved; if ``None``, create a temporary file :param int download_format: download the audio stream with the given format :param bool largest_audio: if ``True``, download the largest audio stream available; if ``False``, download the smallest one. :rtype: string or list of dict :raises: ImportError: if ``youtube-dl`` is not installed :raises: OSError: if ``output_file_path`` cannot be written :raises: :class:`~aeneas.downloader.DownloadError`: if ``source_url`` is not a valid YouTube URL or it cannot be downloaded e.g. for temporary network issues """ def _list_audiostreams(self, source_url): """ Return a list of dicts, each describing an available audiostream for the given ``source_url``. """ self.log(u"Getting audiostreams...") audiostreams = [] options = { "download": False, "quiet": True, "skip_download": True, } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options) as ydl: info = ydl.extract_info(source_url, download=False) audio_formats = [f for f in info["formats"] if f["vcodec"] == "none" and f["acodec"] != "none"] for a in audio_formats: audiostreams.append({ "format": a["format"].split(" ")[0], "filesize": a["filesize"], "ext": a["ext"], "abr": a["abr"] }) self.log(u"Getting audiostreams... done") return audiostreams def _select_audiostream(self, audiostreams, download_format=None, largest_audio=False): """ Select the best-matching audiostream: if a ``download_format`` is given, use it, otherwise act according to ``largest_audio``. If ``download_format`` is not matching any of the available audiostreams, then just act according to ``largest_audio``. """ self.log(u"Selecting best-matching audiostream...") selected = None if download_format is not None: matching = [a for a in audiostreams if a["format"] == download_format] if len(matching) > 0: selected = matching[0] if selected is None: sa = sorted(audiostreams, key=lambda x: x["filesize"]) selected = sa[-1] if largest_audio else sa[0] self.log(u"Selecting best-matching audiostream... done") return selected def _compose_output_file_path(self, extension, output_file_path=None): """ If ``output_file_path`` is given, use it. Otherwise (``output_file_path`` is ``None``), create a temporary file with the correct extension. """ self.log(u"Determining output file path...") if output_file_path is None: self.log(u"output_file_path is None: creating temp file") handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file( root=self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TMP_PATH], suffix=(".%s" % extension) ) gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path) else: self.log(u"output_file_path is not None: cheking that file can be written") if not gf.file_can_be_written(output_file_path): self.log_exc(u"Path '%s' cannot be written. Wrong permissions?" % (output_file_path), None, True, OSError) self.log(u"Determining output file path... done") self.log([u"Output file path is '%s'", output_file_path]) return output_file_path def _download_audiostream(self, source_url, fmt, output_path): self.log(u"Downloading audiostream...") options = { "download": True, "format": fmt, "outtmpl": output_path, "quiet": True, "skip_download": False, } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(options) as ydl:[source_url]) self.log(u"Downloading audiostream... done") try: import youtube_dl except ImportError as exc: self.log_exc(u"Python module youtube-dl is not installed", exc, True, ImportError) # retry parameters sleep_delay = self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.DOWNLOADER_SLEEP] attempts = self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.DOWNLOADER_RETRY_ATTEMPTS] self.log([u"Sleep delay: %.3f", sleep_delay]) self.log([u"Retry attempts: %d", attempts]) # get audiostreams att = attempts while att > 0: self.log(u"Sleeping to throttle API usage...") time.sleep(sleep_delay) self.log(u"Sleeping to throttle API usage... done") try: audiostreams = _list_audiostreams(self, source_url) break except: self.log_warn(u"Unable to list audio streams, retry") att -= 1 if att <= 0: self.log_exc(u"All downloader requests failed: wrong URL or you are offline", None, True, DownloadError) if not download: self.log(u"Returning list of audiostreams") return audiostreams # download the best-matching audiostream if len(audiostreams) == 0: self.log_exc(u"No audiostreams available for the provided URL", None, True, OSError) audiostream = _select_audiostream(self, audiostreams, download_format, largest_audio) output_path = _compose_output_file_path(self, audiostream["ext"], output_file_path) att = attempts while att > 0: self.log(u"Sleeping to throttle API usage...") time.sleep(sleep_delay) self.log(u"Sleeping to throttle API usage... done") try: _download_audiostream(self, source_url, audiostream["format"], output_path) break except: self.log_warn(u"Unable to download audio streams, retry") att -= 1 if att <= 0: self.log_exc(u"All downloader requests failed: wrong URL or you are offline", None, True, DownloadError) return output_path