Source code for aeneas.dtw

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl   (
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module contains the implementation
of dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithms
to align two audio waves, represented by their
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs).

This module contains the following classes:

* :class:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWAlgorithm`,
  an enumeration of the available algorithms;
* :class:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWAligner`,
  the actual wave aligner;
* :class:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWExact`,
  a DTW aligner implementing the exact (full) DTW algorithm;
* :class:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWStripe`,
  a DTW aligner implementing the Sachoe-Chiba band heuristic.

To align two wave files:

1. build an :class:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWAligner` object,
   passing in the constructor
   the paths of the two wave files
   or their MFCC representations;
2. call :func:`~aeneas.dtw.DTWAligner.compute_path`
   to compute the min cost path between
   the MFCC representations of the two wave files.

.. warning:: This module might be refactored in a future version

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy

from aeneas.audiofilemfcc import AudioFileMFCC
from aeneas.logger import Loggable
from aeneas.runtimeconfiguration import RuntimeConfiguration
import aeneas.globalfunctions as gf

[docs]class DTWAlgorithm(object): """ Enumeration of the DTW algorithms that can be used for the alignment of two audio waves. """ EXACT = "exact" """ Classical (exact) DTW algorithm. This implementation has ``O(nm)`` time and space complexity, where ``n`` (respectively, ``m``) is the number of MFCC window shifts (vectors) of the real (respectively, synthesized) wave. """ STRIPE = "stripe" """ DTW algorithm restricted to a stripe around the main diagonal (Sakoe-Chiba Band), for reducing memory usage and run time. Note that this is an heuristic approximation of the optimal (exact) path. This implementation has ``O(nd)`` time and space complexity, where ``n`` is the number of MFCC window shifts (vectors) of the real wave, and ``d`` is the number of MFCC window shifts corresponding to the margin. """ ALLOWED_VALUES = [EXACT, STRIPE] """ List of all the allowed values """
[docs]class DTWAlignerNotInitialized(Exception): """ Error raised when trying to compute using an DTWAligner object whose real and/or synt waves are not initialized yet. """ pass
[docs]class DTWAligner(Loggable): """ The audio wave aligner. The two waves, henceforth named real and synthesized, can be passed as :class:`~aeneas.audiofilemfcc.AudioFileMFCC` objects or as file paths. In the latter case, MFCCs will be extracted upon object creation. :param real_wave_mfcc: the real audio file :type real_wave_mfcc: :class:`~aeneas.audiofilemfcc.AudioFileMFCC` :param synt_wave_mfcc: the synthesized audio file :type synt_wave_mfcc: :class:`~aeneas.audiofilemfcc.AudioFileMFCC` :param string real_wave_path: the path to the real audio file :param string synt_wave_path: the path to the synthesized audio file :param rconf: a runtime configuration :type rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration` :param logger: the logger object :type logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger` :raises: ValueError: if ``real_wave_mfcc`` or ``synt_wave_mfcc`` is not ``None`` but not of type :class:`~aeneas.audiofilemfcc.AudioFileMFCC` :raises: ValueError: if ``real_wave_path`` or ``synt_wave_path`` is not ``None`` but it cannot be read """ TAG = u"DTWAligner" def __init__( self, real_wave_mfcc=None, synt_wave_mfcc=None, real_wave_path=None, synt_wave_path=None, rconf=None, logger=None ): if (real_wave_mfcc is not None) and (type(real_wave_mfcc) is not AudioFileMFCC): raise ValueError(u"Real wave mfcc must be None or of type AudioFileMFCC") if (synt_wave_mfcc is not None) and (type(synt_wave_mfcc) is not AudioFileMFCC): raise ValueError(u"Synt wave mfcc must be None or of type AudioFileMFCC") if (real_wave_path is not None) and (not gf.file_can_be_read(real_wave_path)): raise ValueError(u"Real wave cannot be read") if (synt_wave_path is not None) and (not gf.file_can_be_read(synt_wave_path)): raise ValueError(u"Synt wave cannot be read") if (rconf is not None) and (rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.DTW_ALGORITHM] not in DTWAlgorithm.ALLOWED_VALUES): raise ValueError(u"Algorithm value not allowed") super(DTWAligner, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.real_wave_mfcc = real_wave_mfcc self.synt_wave_mfcc = synt_wave_mfcc self.real_wave_path = real_wave_path self.synt_wave_path = synt_wave_path if (self.real_wave_mfcc is None) and (self.real_wave_path is not None): self.real_wave_mfcc = AudioFileMFCC(self.real_wave_path, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger) if (self.synt_wave_mfcc is None) and (self.synt_wave_path is not None): self.synt_wave_mfcc = AudioFileMFCC(self.synt_wave_path, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger) self.dtw = None
[docs] def compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(self): """ Compute the accumulated cost matrix, and return it. Return ``None`` if the accumulated cost matrix cannot be computed because one of the two waves is empty after masking (if requested). :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (2D) :raises: RuntimeError: if both the C extension and the pure Python code did not succeed. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ self._setup_dtw() if self.dtw is None: self.log(u"Inner self.dtw is None => returning None") return None self.log(u"Returning accumulated cost matrix") return self.dtw.compute_accumulated_cost_matrix()
[docs] def compute_path(self): """ Compute the min cost path between the two waves, and return it. Return the computed path as a tuple with two elements, each being a :class:`numpy.ndarray` (1D) of ``int`` indices: :: ([r_1, r_2, ..., r_k], [s_1, s_2, ..., s_k]) where ``r_i`` are the indices in the real wave and ``s_i`` are the indices in the synthesized wave, and ``k`` is the length of the min cost path. Return ``None`` if the accumulated cost matrix cannot be computed because one of the two waves is empty after masking (if requested). :rtype: tuple (see above) :raises: RuntimeError: if both the C extension and the pure Python code did not succeed. """ self._setup_dtw() if self.dtw is None: self.log(u"Inner self.dtw is None => returning None") return None self.log(u"Computing path...") wave_path = self.dtw.compute_path() self.log(u"Computing path... done") self.log(u"Translating path to full wave indices...") real_indices = numpy.array([t[0] for t in wave_path]) synt_indices = numpy.array([t[1] for t in wave_path]) if self.rconf.mmn: self.log(u"Translating real indices with masked_middle_map...") real_indices = self.real_wave_mfcc.masked_middle_map[real_indices] real_indices[0] = self.real_wave_mfcc.head_length self.log(u"Translating real indices with masked_middle_map... done") self.log(u"Translating synt indices with masked_middle_map...") synt_indices = self.synt_wave_mfcc.masked_middle_map[synt_indices] self.log(u"Translating synt indices with masked_middle_map... done") else: self.log(u"Translating real indices by adding head_length...") real_indices += self.real_wave_mfcc.head_length self.log(u"Translating real indices by adding head_length... done") self.log(u"Nothing to do with synt indices") self.log(u"Translating path to full wave indices... done") return (real_indices, synt_indices)
[docs] def compute_boundaries(self, synt_anchors): """ Compute the min cost path between the two waves, and return a list of boundary points, representing the argmin values with respect to the provided ``synt_anchors`` timings. If ``synt_anchors`` has ``k`` elements, the returned array will have ``k+1`` elements, accounting for the tail fragment. :param synt_anchors: the anchor time values (in seconds) of the synthesized fragments, each representing the begin time in the synthesized wave of the corresponding fragment :type synt_anchors: list of :class:`~aeneas.exacttiming.TimeValue` Return the list of boundary indices. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (1D) """ self._setup_dtw() if self.dtw is None: self.log(u"Inner self.dtw is None => returning artificial boundary indices") begin = self.real_wave_mfcc.middle_begin end = self.real_wave_mfcc.tail_begin n = len(synt_anchors) step = float(end - begin) / n boundary_indices = [begin + int(i * step) for i in range(n)] + [end] return numpy.array(boundary_indices) self.log(u"Computing path...") real_indices, synt_indices = self.compute_path() self.log(u"Computing path... done") self.log(u"Computing boundary indices...") # both real_indices and synt_indices are w.r.t. the full wave self.log([u"Fragments: %d", len(synt_anchors)]) self.log([u"Path length: %d", len(real_indices)]) # synt_anchors as in seconds, convert them in MFCC indices # see also issue #102 mws = self.rconf.mws sample_rate = self.rconf.sample_rate samples_per_mws = mws * sample_rate if samples_per_mws.is_integer: anchor_indices = numpy.array([int(a[0] / mws) for a in synt_anchors]) else: # # NOTE this is not elegant, but it saves the day for the user # self.log_warn(u"The number of samples in each window shift is not an integer, time drift might occur.") anchor_indices = numpy.array([(int(a[0] * sample_rate / mws) / sample_rate) for a in synt_anchors]) # # right side sets the split point at the very beginning of "next" fragment # # NOTE clip() is needed since searchsorted() with side="right" might return # an index == len(synt_indices) == len(real_indices) # when the insertion point is past the last element of synt_indices # causing the fancy indexing real_indices[...] below might fail begin_indices = numpy.clip(numpy.searchsorted(synt_indices, anchor_indices, side="right"), 0, len(synt_indices) - 1) # first split must occur at zero begin_indices[0] = 0 # # map onto real indices, obtaining "default" boundary indices # # NOTE since len(synt_indices) == len(real_indices) # and because the numpy.clip() above, the fancy indexing is always valid # boundary_indices = numpy.append(real_indices[begin_indices], self.real_wave_mfcc.tail_begin) self.log([u"Boundary indices: %d", len(boundary_indices)]) self.log(u"Computing boundary indices... done") return boundary_indices
def _setup_dtw(self): """ Set the DTW object up. """ # check if the DTW object has already been set up if self.dtw is not None: return # check we have the AudioFileMFCC objects if (self.real_wave_mfcc is None) or (self.real_wave_mfcc.middle_mfcc is None): self.log_exc(u"The real wave MFCCs are not initialized", None, True, DTWAlignerNotInitialized) if (self.synt_wave_mfcc is None) or (self.synt_wave_mfcc.middle_mfcc is None): self.log_exc(u"The synt wave MFCCs are not initialized", None, True, DTWAlignerNotInitialized) # setup algorithm = self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.DTW_ALGORITHM] delta = int(2 * self.rconf.dtw_margin / self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.MFCC_WINDOW_SHIFT]) mfcc2_length = self.synt_wave_mfcc.middle_length self.log([u"Requested algorithm: '%s'", algorithm]) self.log([u"delta = %d", delta]) self.log([u"m = %d", mfcc2_length]) # check if delta is >= length of synt wave if mfcc2_length <= delta: self.log(u"We have mfcc2_length <= delta") if (self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.C_EXTENSIONS]) and (gf.can_run_c_extension()): # the C code can be run: since it is still faster, do not run EXACT self.log(u"C extensions enabled and loaded: not selecting EXACT algorithm") else: self.log(u"Selecting EXACT algorithm") algorithm = DTWAlgorithm.EXACT # select mask here if self.rconf.mmn: self.log(u"Using masked MFCC") real_mfcc = self.real_wave_mfcc.masked_middle_mfcc synt_mfcc = self.synt_wave_mfcc.masked_middle_mfcc else: self.log(u"Using unmasked MFCC") real_mfcc = self.real_wave_mfcc.middle_mfcc synt_mfcc = self.synt_wave_mfcc.middle_mfcc n = real_mfcc.shape[1] m = synt_mfcc.shape[1] self.log([u" Number of MFCC frames in real wave: %d", n]) self.log([u" Number of MFCC frames in synt wave: %d", m]) if (n == 0) or (m == 0): self.log(u"Setting self.dtw to None") self.dtw = None else: # set the selected algorithm if algorithm == DTWAlgorithm.EXACT: self.log(u"Computing with EXACT algo") self.dtw = DTWExact( m1=real_mfcc, m2=synt_mfcc, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger ) else: self.log(u"Computing with STRIPE algo") self.dtw = DTWStripe( m1=real_mfcc, m2=synt_mfcc, delta=delta, rconf=self.rconf, logger=self.logger )
class DTWStripe(Loggable): TAG = u"DTWStripe" def __init__(self, m1, m2, delta, rconf=None, logger=None): super(DTWStripe, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 = delta def compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(self): return gf.run_c_extension_with_fallback( self.log, "cdtw", self._compute_acm_c_extension, self._compute_acm_pure_python, (), rconf=self.rconf ) def _compute_acm_c_extension(self): self.log(u"Computing acm using C extension...") try: self.log(u"Importing cdtw...") import aeneas.cdtw.cdtw self.log(u"Importing cdtw... done") # discard first MFCC component mfcc1 = self.m1[1:, :] mfcc2 = self.m2[1:, :] n = mfcc1.shape[1] m = mfcc2.shape[1] delta = self.log([u"n m delta: %d %d %d", n, m, delta]) if delta > m: self.log(u"Limiting delta to m") delta = m cost_matrix, centers = aeneas.cdtw.cdtw.compute_cost_matrix_step(mfcc1, mfcc2, delta) accumulated_cost_matrix = aeneas.cdtw.cdtw.compute_accumulated_cost_matrix_step(cost_matrix, centers) self.log(u"Computing acm using C extension... done") return (True, accumulated_cost_matrix) except Exception as exc: self.log_exc(u"An unexpected error occurred while running cdtw", exc, False, None) return (False, None) def _compute_acm_pure_python(self): self.log(u"Computing acm using pure Python code...") try: cost_matrix, centers = self._compute_cost_matrix() accumulated_cost_matrix = self._compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(cost_matrix, centers) self.log(u"Computing acm using pure Python code... done") return (True, accumulated_cost_matrix) except Exception as exc: self.log_exc(u"An unexpected error occurred while running pure Python code", exc, False, None) return (False, None) def compute_path(self): return gf.run_c_extension_with_fallback( self.log, "cdtw", self._compute_path_c_extension, self._compute_path_pure_python, (), rconf=self.rconf ) def _compute_path_c_extension(self): self.log(u"Computing path using C extension...") try: self.log(u"Importing cdtw...") import aeneas.cdtw.cdtw self.log(u"Importing cdtw... done") # discard first MFCC component mfcc1 = self.m1[1:, :] mfcc2 = self.m2[1:, :] n = mfcc1.shape[1] m = mfcc2.shape[1] delta = self.log([u"n m delta: %d %d %d", n, m, delta]) if delta > m: self.log(u"Limiting delta to m") delta = m best_path = aeneas.cdtw.cdtw.compute_best_path( mfcc1, mfcc2, delta ) self.log(u"Computing path using C extension... done") return (True, best_path) except Exception as exc: self.log_exc(u"An unexpected error occurred while running cdtw", exc, False, None) return (False, None) def _compute_path_pure_python(self): self.log(u"Computing path using pure Python code...") try: cost_matrix, centers = self._compute_cost_matrix() accumulated_cost_matrix = self._compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(cost_matrix, centers) best_path = self._compute_best_path(accumulated_cost_matrix, centers) self.log(u"Computing path using pure Python code... done") return (True, best_path) except Exception as exc: self.log_exc(u"An unexpected error occurred while running pure Python code", exc, False, None) return (False, None) def _compute_cost_matrix(self): self.log(u"Computing cost matrix...") # discard first MFCC component mfcc1 = self.m1[1:, :] mfcc2 = self.m2[1:, :] norm2_1 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(mfcc1 ** 2, 0)) norm2_2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(mfcc2 ** 2, 0)) n = mfcc1.shape[1] m = mfcc2.shape[1] delta = self.log([u"n m delta: %d %d %d", n, m, delta]) if delta > m: self.log(u"Limiting delta to m") delta = m cost_matrix = numpy.zeros((n, delta)) centers = numpy.zeros(n, dtype=int) for i in range(n): # center j at row i center_j = (m * i) // n # COMMENTED self.log([u"Center at row %d is %d", i, center_j]) range_start = max(0, center_j - (delta // 2)) range_end = range_start + delta if range_end > m: range_end = m range_start = range_end - delta centers[i] = range_start # COMMENTED self.log([u"Range at row %d is %d %d", i, range_start, range_end]) for j in range(range_start, range_end): tmp = mfcc1[:, i].transpose().dot(mfcc2[:, j]) tmp /= norm2_1[i] * norm2_2[j] cost_matrix[i][j - range_start] = 1 - tmp self.log(u"Computing cost matrix... done") return (cost_matrix, centers) def _compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(self, cost_matrix, centers): # create accumulated cost matrix # # a[i][j] = c[i][j] + min(c[i-1][j-1], c[i-1][j], c[i][j-1]) # return self._compute_acm_in_place(cost_matrix, centers) def _compute_acm_in_place(self, cost_matrix, centers): self.log(u"Computing the acm with the in-place algorithm...") n, delta = cost_matrix.shape self.log([u"n delta: %d %d", n, delta]) current_row = numpy.copy(cost_matrix[0, :]) # COMMENTED cost_matrix[0][0] = current_row[0] for j in range(1, delta): cost_matrix[0][j] = current_row[j] + cost_matrix[0][j - 1] # fill table for i in range(1, n): current_row = numpy.copy(cost_matrix[i, :]) offset = centers[i] - centers[i - 1] for j in range(delta): cost0 = numpy.inf if (j + offset) < delta: cost0 = cost_matrix[i - 1][j + offset] cost1 = numpy.inf if j > 0: cost1 = cost_matrix[i][j - 1] cost2 = numpy.inf if ((j + offset - 1) < delta) and ((j + offset - 1) >= 0): cost2 = cost_matrix[i - 1][j + offset - 1] cost_matrix[i][j] = current_row[j] + min(cost0, cost1, cost2) self.log(u"Computing the acm with the in-place algorithm... done") return cost_matrix # DISABLED # def _compute_acm_not_in_place(self, cost_matrix, centers): # self.log(u"Computing the acm with the not-in-place algorithm...") # acc_matrix = numpy.zeros(cost_matrix.shape) # n, delta = acc_matrix.shape # self.log([u"n delta: %d %d", n, delta]) # # first row # acc_matrix[0][0] = cost_matrix[0][0] # for j in range(1, delta): # acc_matrix[0][j] = acc_matrix[0][j-1] + cost_matrix[0][j] # # fill table # for i in range(1, n): # offset = centers[i] - centers[i-1] # for j in range(delta): # cost0 = numpy.inf # if (j+offset) < delta: # cost0 = acc_matrix[i-1][j+offset] # cost1 = numpy.inf # if j > 0: # cost1 = acc_matrix[i][j-1] # cost2 = numpy.inf # if ((j+offset-1) < delta) and ((j+offset-1) >= 0): # cost2 = acc_matrix[i-1][j+offset-1] # acc_matrix[i][j] = cost_matrix[i][j] + min(cost0, cost1, cost2) # self.log(u"Computing the acm with the not-in-place algorithm... done") # return acc_matrix def _compute_best_path(self, acc_matrix, centers): self.log(u"Computing best path...") # get dimensions n, delta = acc_matrix.shape self.log([u"n delta: %d %d", n, delta]) i = n - 1 j = delta - 1 + centers[i] path = [(i, j)] # compute best (min cost) path while (i > 0) or (j > 0): if i == 0: path.append((0, j - 1)) j -= 1 elif j == 0: path.append((i - 1, 0)) i -= 1 else: offset = centers[i] - centers[i - 1] r_j = j - centers[i] cost0 = numpy.inf if (r_j + offset) < delta: cost0 = acc_matrix[i - 1][r_j + offset] cost1 = numpy.inf if r_j > 0: cost1 = acc_matrix[i][r_j - 1] cost2 = numpy.inf if (r_j > 0) and ((r_j + offset - 1) < delta) and ((r_j + offset - 1) >= 0): cost2 = acc_matrix[i - 1][r_j + offset - 1] costs = [ cost0, cost1, cost2 ] moves = [ (i - 1, j), (i, j - 1), (i - 1, j - 1) ] min_cost = numpy.argmin(costs) # COMMENTED self.log([u"Selected min cost move %d", min_cost]) min_move = moves[min_cost] path.append(min_move) i, j = min_move # reverse path and return path.reverse() self.log(u"Computing best path... done") return path class DTWExact(Loggable): TAG = u"DTWExact" def __init__(self, m1, m2, rconf=None, logger=None): super(DTWExact, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger) self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 def compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(self): self.log(u"Computing acm using pure Python code...") cost_matrix = self._compute_cost_matrix() accumulated_cost_matrix = self._compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(cost_matrix) self.log(u"Computing acm using pure Python code... done") return accumulated_cost_matrix def compute_path(self): self.log(u"Computing path using pure Python code...") accumulated_cost_matrix = self.compute_accumulated_cost_matrix() best_path = self._compute_best_path(accumulated_cost_matrix) self.log(u"Computing path using pure Python code... done") return best_path def _compute_cost_matrix(self): self.log(u"Computing cost matrix...") # discard first MFCC component mfcc1 = self.m1[1:, :] mfcc2 = self.m2[1:, :] norm2_1 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(mfcc1 ** 2, 0)) norm2_2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(mfcc2 ** 2, 0)) # compute dot product self.log(u"Computing matrix with transpose+dot...") cost_matrix = mfcc1.transpose().dot(mfcc2) self.log(u"Computing matrix with transpose+dot... done") # normalize self.log(u"Normalizing matrix...") norm_matrix = numpy.outer(norm2_1, norm2_2) cost_matrix = 1 - (cost_matrix / norm_matrix) self.log(u"Normalizing matrix... done") self.log(u"Computing cost matrix... done") return cost_matrix def _compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(self, cost_matrix): # create accumulated cost matrix # # a[i][j] = c[i][j] + min(c[i-1][j-1], c[i-1][j], c[i][j-1]) # return self._compute_acm_in_place(cost_matrix) def _compute_acm_in_place(self, cost_matrix): self.log(u"Computing the acm with the in-place algorithm...") n, m = cost_matrix.shape self.log([u"n m: %d %d", n, m]) current_row = numpy.copy(cost_matrix[0, :]) # COMMENTED cost_matrix[0][0] = current_row[0] for j in range(1, m): cost_matrix[0][j] = current_row[j] + cost_matrix[0][j - 1] for i in range(1, n): current_row = numpy.copy(cost_matrix[i, :]) cost_matrix[i][0] = cost_matrix[i - 1][0] + current_row[0] for j in range(1, m): cost_matrix[i][j] = current_row[j] + min( cost_matrix[i - 1][j], cost_matrix[i][j - 1], cost_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] ) self.log(u"Computing the acm with the in-place algorithm... done") return cost_matrix # DISABLED # def _compute_acm_not_in_place(self, cost_matrix): # self.log(u"Computing the acm with the not-in-place algorithm...") # acc_matrix = numpy.zeros(cost_matrix.shape) # n, m = acc_matrix.shape # self.log([u"n m: %d %d", n, m]) # acc_matrix[0][0] = cost_matrix[0][0] # for j in range(1, m): # acc_matrix[0][j] = acc_matrix[0][j-1] + cost_matrix[0][j] # for i in range(1, n): # acc_matrix[i][0] = acc_matrix[i-1][0] + cost_matrix[i][0] # for i in range(1, n): # for j in range(1, m): # acc_matrix[i][j] = cost_matrix[i][j] + min( # acc_matrix[i-1][j], # acc_matrix[i][j-1], # acc_matrix[i-1][j-1] # ) # self.log(u"Computing the acm with the not-in-place algorithm... done") # return acc_matrix def _compute_best_path(self, acc_matrix): self.log(u"Computing best path...") # get dimensions n, m = acc_matrix.shape self.log([u"n m: %d %d", n, m]) i = n - 1 j = m - 1 path = [(i, j)] # compute best (min cost) path while (i > 0) or (j > 0): if i == 0: path.append((0, j - 1)) j -= 1 elif j == 0: path.append((i - 1, 0)) i -= 1 else: costs = [ acc_matrix[i - 1][j], acc_matrix[i][j - 1], acc_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] ] moves = [ (i - 1, j), (i, j - 1), (i - 1, j - 1) ] min_cost = numpy.argmin(costs) # COMMENTED self.log([u"Selected min cost move %d", min_cost]) min_move = moves[min_cost] path.append(min_move) i, j = min_move # reverse path and return path.reverse() self.log(u"Computing best path... done") return path