
This module contains the following classes:

  • IDSortingAlgorithm, enumerating and implementing the available algorithms to sort a list of XML id attributes.


This module is likely to be refactored in a future version

class aeneas.idsortingalgorithm.IDSortingAlgorithm(algorithm, rconf=None, logger=None)[source]

Enumeration of the available algorithms to sort a list of XML id attributes.


ValueError: if the value of algorithm is not allowed

ALLOWED_VALUES = ['lexicographic', 'numeric', 'unsorted']

List of all the allowed values

LEXICOGRAPHIC = 'lexicographic'

Lexicographic sorting (e.g., f020 before f10 before f2)

NUMERIC = 'numeric'

Numeric sorting, ignoring any non-digit characters or leading zeroes (e.g., f2 (= 2) before f10 (= 10) before f020 (= 20))

UNSORTED = 'unsorted'

Do not sort and return the list of identifiers, in their original order (e.g., f2 before f020 before f10, assuming this was their order in the XML DOM)


Sort the given list of identifiers, returning a new (sorted) list.

Parameters:ids (list) – the list of identifiers to be sorted
Return type:list